ড. মশিউর রহমান বলেন, শেয়ারবাজারে বিনিয়োগকারীরা দেশের অর্থনীতিতে কোনো অবদান রাখে না। শেয়ারবাজারে বিনিয়োগকে দ্রুত কোটিপতি হওয়ার ব্যবসা বলে উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, শেয়ার মার্কেটে যারা টাকা খাটায় তারা অল্প সময়ে অল্প লগ্নি করে বেশি লাভ করতে চায়। তাই তাদের কষ্টে আমার হৃদয় কাঁদে না। যদি কারও কাঁদে সে প্রকাশ্যে বলতে পারেন। তিনি বলেন, শেয়ারবাজারকে কেন্দ্র করে যারা অস্থিতিশীল পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি করছে আপনার এবং আমার দায়িত্ব তাদের বাধা দেয়া এবং বলা তোমরা দেশের ও সমাজের শত্রু। সাংবাদিকদের উদ্দেশে তিনি বলেন, সাংবাদিক হিসেবে সমাজের জন্য যদি আপনার দায়িত্ব থাকে আপনিও তাই বলবেন।

Borhan -Ud- Dbin
Associate, Research.
1996, Ex.Finance Minister Late Kibria said "I don't understand share market". Now same government and present finance minister Mr. Mal with related all responsible person playing same role as they played in 1996. Mr. Atiar Rahman, Governor of Bangladesh Bank few days ago passed a comment that his Bank doesn't control the share market. Today the president of DSE Mr. Shakil said that government is not liable for present market crisis because government doesn't control the up and down of price, And the financial adviser of prime minister Mr. Mosiur said that comment as pasted from newspaper.
However,- actually what happened in market and why the Awami League government again and again play this role in a sensitive organ of a total economy of Bangladesh ? We don't know the answer and cant hope from the responsible authorities. All supporters investor of the multiple political parties in Bangladesh now guess only one thing that Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) is a fit for opposition always, this party is not for administration. Alas...! That comment of Sk. Muzib we can memories now "Everybody get a pit of gold but I got a pit of thief!" another a comment we also can remind that " Eight crore blanket supplied by donor for seven and half crore people of Bangladesh but my one blanket is also not found!!" Shame! Shame!! Shame!!
There is no alternative against well educated, experienced, independent, free decision maker person who comes from only BEGUM KHALEDA ZIA's hand historically. This is a not only my expression but also many investor who are the supporter of BAL(Bangladesh Awami League). Now need a committee of all parties proper member for tackling this crisis of share market on behalf of all investors.
There is no alternative against well educated, experienced, independent, free decision maker person who comes from only BEGUM KHALEDA ZIA's hand historically. This is a not only my expression but also many investor who are the supporter of BAL(Bangladesh Awami League). Now need a committee of all parties proper member for tackling this crisis of share market on behalf of all investors.